"I wish we would have found Dr. Rosenfarb and Acuvision sooner!"

"I wish we would have found Dr. Rosenfarb and Acuvision sooner!"

This is what we hear from so many of our patients, like Ray and his wife, Lori.

Ray has been coming to the clinic since 2012 for treatment.

His ophthalmologist told him he had retinitis pigmentosa and there wasn't anything he could do.

So Ray went on a search for solutions and came across Dr. Rosenfarb and Acuvision Recovery on the internet.

After the very first treatment, he started seeing results.

Retinitis Pigmentosa and Central Serous Retinopathy Recovery

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Coming to the Acuvision recovery clinic has aided Ray in continuing to increase his color and contrast while keeping his overall vision stable.

Recently, his wife Lori came to the clinic as well because she had been diagnosed with CSR (central serous retinopathy), and after seeing the results from her husband, she decided to come for treatments as well.

She is seeing things more brightly and clearly after treatments and says she "feels amazing."

Watch the full video To hear the whole story

Find Out How Your Can Start Recovering Your Vision In 3 Months
with The At Home ACS-3000 System

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