Central Serous Retinopathy

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What is Central Serous Choroidopathy?

Central Serous Choroidopathy (CSC, CSR, or CSCR) (also referred to as “Central Serous Retinopathy”) is most often seen in young men, aged 20-50. Symptoms may include a fairly sudden onset of blurry vision in one eye, dimmer colors, images seem in miniature or a blind spot in the center of vision. The disorder is characterized by fluid leaking from tissues behind the retina into mostly the central macula area, resulting in detaching the macula from the tissue that supports it. The leakage comes mostly from the choroid layer due to small breaks in the retinal pigment layer (RPE). CSC/CSR patients typically have vision in the 20/20 to 20/100 range and a serous. Sometimes a fluorescein angiogram is used to confirm the diagnosis.

Leakage due to CSCR comes mostly from the fine capillaries in the choroid layer, through, and because of, small breaks in the retinal pigment layer. Advances in technology have allowed re-searchers to identify poor multifocal choroidal hyperpermeability and hypofluorescent areas suggestive of focal choroidal vascular compromise. Some investigators believe that initial choroidal vascular compromise subsequently leads to secondary dysfunction of the overlying retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).

Researchers have linked macular thickness with CSCR, finding that these patients have low macular pigment optical density

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