Groundbreaking Discovery Restores Vision In As Little As 12 Weeks - Even If You've Been Told It's "Hopeless"

Dear Friend,

If you or a loved one is suffering from vision loss due to a degenerative eye condition, then this will be the most important message you ever read.

Because thanks to a stunning scientific breakthrough, you now have the power to RESTORE and even IMPROVE your vision safely from home - no matter what you've been told by "mainstream medicine"... and even if your doctor says it's hopeless.

Imagine being able to:

  • See faces clearly again, instead of foggy shapes and shadows
  • Read the morning paper without squinting or frustration
  • Drive confidently to run errands and visit friends and Family
  • Enjoy your favorite hobbies like golfing, painting, or playing cards
  • Watch a beautiful sunset with crystal clarity

And most importantly, imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing your precious eyesight is protected and you no longer have to live in fear

It's all possible starting today, thanks to this revolutionary at-home vision recovery system that's helping people from coast to coast REVERSE troubling eye conditions like:

  • Macular degeneration (wet & dry)
  • Stargardt's disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Usher's Syndrome
  • Optic Nerve Atrophy
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • And More!

And many more! In fact, if you're losing your sight for ANY reason, you need to read every word on this page. 

Because for the first time ever, this groundbreaking device puts the power of healing and REGENERATION directly in your hands.

Within a few short weeks of easy treatment, you could be seeing the world in a whole new light - vibrant, clear and full of hope.

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb

Founder: Eye Health Institute 

Hi, I'm Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, Founder of the Eye Health Institute. I've dedicated my life's work to researching and developing cutting-edge solutions for people battling devastating eye diseases.

As a leading expert in Chinese medical ophthalmology and naturopathic ophthalmology, I've helped over 10,000 patients from 50 different countries to recover and preserve their vision. And I can tell you firsthand...

The Fear And Hopelessness That Comes With Vision Loss Can Be Absolutely Crushing

It breaks my heart every time a new patient comes into my office and breaks down sobbing.  They've just been given the news that their eyesight is fading away... and there's nothing they can do about it.

They're terrified of losing their independence. Of becoming a burden on their family. Of missing out on life's precious moments and spending their golden years in darkness. 

And the worst part is, mainstream medicine does little to ease their suffering. They're simply told to wait for it to get worse. 

Can you imagine how devastating that is? To be given NO hope?

But here's something eye doctors won't tell you (and I'm risking my reputation in the medical community to share this)...

They've Had It All Wrong This Entire Time

You see, for the past 50+ years, the so-called "experts" have been operating under the false belief that once ocular nerve cells die, they're gone forever. 

That it's impossible to revive or regenerate them. And that visual decline is just an irreversible part of aging we're all doomed to endure.

But our cutting-edge research has proven otherwise. And it's all thanks to a process called...

Neuro-Regeneration & Neuroplasticity 

Let me explain...

Previously, it was believed that ocular nerve cells only existed in two states - alive or dead. But our groundbreaking studies have uncovered the truth...

There are actually 4 stages of nerve cell dysfunction:

  • Normal Cells
  • Dormant Cells
  • Damaged/Sick/Abnormal Cells
  • Dead/Scar Tissue/Fibrosis Cells

And here's the most important thing you need to understand...

Those "dormant" and "damaged" cells aren't dead. They're simply inactive. Which means...

They Can Be Revived With The Right Stimulation!

Just like how a defibrillator uses a jolt of electricity to "restart" someone's heart and bring them back to life...

We've discovered how to use gentle microcurrents to "jump start" the ocular nerve cells and restore their function. Literally bringing your eyesight back to life!

And in just a moment, I'll share the amazing stories of everyday people who have done exactly that. But first, it's crucial that you understand...

The 3 "Villains" Silently Sabotaging Your Eyesight

While there are many factors that contribute to vision loss, our research has shown that the vast majority of cases boil down to 3 main culprits:

  • Poor Circulation
  • Inflammation
  • OXidative Stress

When we're young, our body does a good job of keeping these "villains" at bay. But as we age, they can slowly chip away at our ocular health. 

And when left unchecked, they can snowball into devastating conditions that rob you of your vision.

The key to preserving and restoring your eyesight is to nourish and protect your eyes from this "triple threat" - something mainstream medicine fails to address.

But now, for the first time ever, you have a solution. One that's clinically proven to regenerate and revitalize your vision on a cellular level.

Introducing The ACS-3000: The World's First & Only At-Home Vision Recovery System

The ACS-3000 is a revolutionary device that harnesses the regenerative power of microcurrent stimulation to awaken and rejuvenate damaged ocular cells.

By delivering a precise combination of frequency, intensity and waveform directly to the eyes and visual system...

It targets the root causes of vision loss and helps your body naturally heal itself. Restoring lost eyesight and protecting against further damage.

This is the same remarkable technology we use at our world-renowned clinic to help patients overcome even the most severe cases of visual impairment...

And now, for the first time ever, it's been miniaturized and simplified so you can experience its vision-saving power right from the comfort of home.

All it takes is just 10-20 minutes per day. And the results?


Clinical Effects of the ACS-3000 Include:

  • "Reawakens" dormant photoreceptor cells to capture more light
  • Stimulates the release of nerve growth factors to regenerate cells
  • Increases local stem cell activity for repair and regeneration
  • Organizes neuro-coherence of nerve signaling for optimal function
  • Elicits parasympathetic response to calm the nervous system
  • Increases neuroplasticity to rewire and optimize visual pathways
  • Facilitates repair of the ocular vascular system
  • Helps balance the ocular microbiome for enhanced eye health

In Short, The ACS-3000 Helps Your Eyes Literally Heal Themselves - So You Can See The World In A Whole New Light

And the results speak for themselves..

Measurable Improvement

In clinical studies, a staggering 90% of patients experienced objective measurable improvement in their vision!

87% reported walking away with clearer, sharper and more vibrant eyesight.

Reported   Improvement

And On Average, Participants Saw:

33% Increase in Visual Acuity

61% Improved Cellular Activation

Improved Cellular Activation
Visual Acuity Improvement

But the most exciting proof? 

The undeniable changes patients saw with their own eyes, each and every day.

Like Cindy. who says:

"It's been about 6 weeks since I started using the ACS3000 for glaucoma. I have noticed that my vision is clearer and that my visual field seems broader than before. I use it faithfully every morning for 30 minutes sometimes at a 500 setting and sometimes at a 750 setting. I have been very pleased and excited to see how much more my vision will improve with time. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Rosenfarb for his endless research in helping those with vision problems, in a more holistic manner!"

Or Brain B. who was suffering from MD:

"I experienced edema (swelling) in the macula of the retina. I have used the ACS-3000 for several years. The ACS-3000 allows me to see more clearly when I use it daily. I notice the difference when I go for several days without using it. Because of that, I use it every day now whenever possible. I like that the treatment is at home, on my own schedule. I have moved away from the New York/New Jersey area, so getting to the office is not as convenient as it used to be. I also like the flexibility of being able to use it once a day for 20 minutes, or twice a day for 10 minutes. By the way, I feel Dr, Andy and the entire staff are the best!!"

Story after story, the results are nothing short of life-changing.

And now it's your turn to experience the ACS-3000 for yourself.

When you order your ACS-3000 today, you'll also receive:

  • Bonus 1: ACS-3000 Home Training Video Library
    These videos tell you exactly how to get the most of out of at home treatment and start preserving and recovering you vision today. Including our 7 keys to eye health.
  • Bonus 2: Free Shipping Anywhere In The US* (US residents only)
  • Bonus 3: Free 30 Minute Vision Recovery Consultation ($250 value)
    Talk with our patient care specialist to determine how to fully treat your vision problems
  • Bonus 4: Entry into our private VIP support group ($250 Value)
    Help you get started and answer your big questions in our private call

Starting at $87/mo or 0% APR with . Check your purchasing power

  • Bonus 5: Healing Your Eyes With Chinese Medicine Audio Book Dr. Rosenfarb ($47 value)
    Discover what thousands of years of research has taught us about healing our eyes and how you can implement it in your life.
  • Bonus 6: Eye QiGong Training ($50 value)
    Dr. Rosenfarb's special program to help you destress and increase bloodflow for healing your eyes
  • Bonus 7: 12 Month Sponge Pack ($25 Value)

But I Have To Warn You...

Word is spreading fast about this vision breakthrough. And we have an extremely limited number of units available today.

Once they're gone, it could take weeks or even months to produce more - so I urge you to claim yours now before it's too late. 

I've seen the heartbreaking effects of vision loss firsthand. The fear, the hopelessness, the loss of independence. And I've made it my mission in life to ensure no one else has to endure that pain.

You and your loved ones deserve to enjoy every moment this world has to offer - without the constant worry of declining eyesight.

Don't spend another day in darkness or fear. Click the button below now and give yourself the gift of sight - the greatest gift of all.

I look forward to hearing your amazing success story soon.

Story after story, the results are nothing short of life-changing.

Better Vision In 12 Weeks With The ACS-3000 At Home Vision Recovery System

Order Today to Receive all 7 Bonuses

Starting at $87/mo or 0% APR with . Check your purchasing power

Your Vision, Is Our Mission.

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb

Founder - Eye Health Institute & Acuvision Recovery

P.S. Still here? Still unsure if the ACS-3000 can really restore your eyesight? I understand. Especially if you've been told there's no hope. But I've seen the wonders of this technology time and again - even in the most severe cases.

Let's see what some of our most recent patients have said:

Check Out These Before And After OCT Scans From Our Clinical Study

Better Vision In 12 Weeks With The ACS-3000 At Home Vision Recovery System

Order Today to Receive all 7 Bonuses

Starting at $87/mo or 0% APR with . Check your purchasing power

Compare ACS-3000 To Your Other Options...

Let's be honest, if you are suffering from a degenerative eye disease you don't have tons of options.

1.  You could choose to do nothing - and your results are simple, your vision will continue to decline. Investment: Loss of your job, freedom, vision

2. You could try the "conventional medicine" approach where they may give you experimental drugs, injections in your eyes or prescriptions.  Almost all of these are just expensive bandaid treatments that just mask the symptoms and can actually cause more damage.  Investment: Thousands of dollars

3.  You could go to a clinic overseas for microcurrent stimulation treatment- They use the exact same technology as the ACS at home unit, but you have to pay to go to their clinic every time.  Investment: $10,000 plus

4. Visit our clinic in New Jersey - We use a mixture of treatments including microcurrent stimulation and have very high results - with this bundle you get a free vision recovery Evaluation call to determine if you are a candidate.

5, The ACS-3000 at home vision recovery system: We have packaged all of the best microcurrent technology into a unit you can use as much as you need to keep improving and revitalizing the cells in your visual system.  With This special bundle your investment is less than the cost of a Starbucks every day for a year - and it won't effect your blood sugar ;) 

Get Access to the ACS-3000 And Start Recovering Your Vision

Get Yours now For Only $3126  $2499

Starting at $87/mo or 0% APR with . Check your purchasing power

Only 196 

Customers served! 196 Available!

Act Fast, we have a limited supply

Can ACS-3000 Help Me?

Common neurovascular Eye Conditions that ACS can help

  • Macular Degeneration (wet & dry)
  • Stargardt’s Disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Usher’s Syndrome
  • Optic Neuritis (MS)
  • Optic Nerve Atrophy
  • Diabetic Retinopathy

Who should not use ACS?

  • Seizure Disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Metastatic Brain Tumors
  • Uncontrolled Eye Pressure
  • Caution with Frequent, severe Migraines


The ACS-3000 is SAFE & EFFECTIVE with no known, negative side effects - However you should always consult your physician to confirm if its right for you.

Get Started On your Vision Recovery Right Away and See What You've Been Missing.

Starting at $87/mo or 0% APR with . Check your purchasing power

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I have To Use It?

We suggest most people start with 10 minutes daily at the lowest output, increasing as you are comfortable.

Will this work for my condition?

The ACS-3000 works for most eye conditions!  The great thing is, it has no negative side effects and will not make your vision worse

Is there anything else I need to buy?

This is a complete kit.  You will have to purchase saline solution in the future (found at any pharmacy) 

Do You take Paypal/insurance etc?

Currently we are only able to take payment via credit card, google and apple pay.

Copyright Eye Health Institute
